Paper of the Month
Die DGHM würdigt jeden Monat DGHM-Mitglieder, die als Erst- oder LetztautorIn an einer herausragenden Publikation, die in den vorangegangenen 3 Monaten hochrangig publiziert wurde, beteiligt waren. Die Forschungsergebnisse können so einer größeren Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt werden.
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Aktuelles Paper of the Month
Tracking clonal and plasmid transmission in colistin- and carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae
Ifeoluwa Akintayo1, Marko Siroglavic 2 , Daria Frolova3, Mabel Budia Silva1, Hajo Grundmann1, Zamin Iqbal3, 4, Ana Budimir2, Sandra Reuter 1
mSystems. 2025 Feb 18;10(2):e0112824.
Ifeoluwa Akintayo
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Frühere Paper of the Month:
Distribution of the four type VI secretion systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and classification of their core and accessory effectors
Antonia Habich, Verónica Chaves Vargas, Luca A Robinson, Luke P Allsopp, Daniel Unterweger,
Nature Communication, 2025, 16
Link zum Originalartikel:
The T4bSS of Legionella features a two-step secretion pathway with an inner membrane intermediate for secretion of transmembrane effectors
Silke Malmsheimer1, Iwan Grin1, Erwin Bohn2, Mirita Franz-Wachtel3, Boris Macek3, Tobias Sahr4, Fabian Smollich1, David Chetrit5, Amit Meir5,6, Craig Roy5, Carmen Buchrieser4, Samuel Wagner1,7,8
PLoS Pathogens, 2024, 20(11):e1012118
Link zum Originalartikel:
Targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm with an evolutionary trained bacteriophage cocktail exploiting phage resistance trade-offs
Fabian Kunisch1,2,3,4, Claudia Campobasso5,6, Jeroen Wagemans5, Selma Yildirim7, Benjamin K Chan3,4, Christoph Schaudinn8, Rob Lavigne5, Paul E Turner 3,4,9, Michael J Raschke1,10, Andrej Trampuz 11,12, Mercedes Gonzalez Moreno 2,7
Nature Communications , 2024, 15
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Infection of human organoids supports an intestinal niche for Chlamydia trachomatis
Pargev Hovhannisyan1 , Kathrin Stelzner1, Markus Keicher1 , Kerstin Paprotka1 , Mastura Neyaz2, Mindaugas Pauzuolis2 , Waled Mohammed Ali1 , Karthika Rajeeve 1 ,3 , Sina Bartfeld2,4,5, Thomas Rudel1
PLOS Pathogens, 2024, 20(8): e1012144.
Link zum Originalartikel:
Klebsiella oxytoca inhibits Salmonella infection through multiple microbiota-context-dependent mechanisms
Lisa Osbelt 1 2 3 , Éva D H Almási # 1 , Marie Wende # 1 2 , Sabine Kienesberger 4 , Alexander Voltz 5 6 , Till R Lesker 1 , Uthayakumar Muthukumarasamy 1 , Nele Knischewski 1 , Elke Nordmann 1 , Agata A Bielecka 1 , María Giralt-Zúñiga 7 , Eugen Kaganovitch 7 , Caroline Kühne 7 , Claas Baier 8 , Michael Pietsch 9 , Mathias Müsken 10 , Marina C Greweling-Pils 11 , Rolf Breinbauer 12 , Antje Flieger 9 , Dirk Schlüter 3 8 13 , Rolf Müller 5 6 13 , Marc Erhardt 7 14 , Ellen L Zechner 4 , Till Strowig 15 16 17 18
Nat Microbiol. 2024 Jul;9(7):1792-1811
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A synthetic peptide mimic kills Candida albicans and synergistically prevents infection
Sebastian Schaefer 1 ,2 ,3, 4 , Raghav Vij4 , Jakob L Sprague4 , Sophie Austermeier4 , Hue Dinh5 , Peter R Judzewitsch1,2 , Sven Müller-Loennies6 , Taynara Lopes Silva7 , Eric Seemann8 , Britta Qualmann8 , Christian Hertweck7,9,10 , Kirstin Scherlach7 , Thomas Gutsmann6 ,11 , Amy K Cain5 , Nathaniel Corrigan1,2 , Mark S Gresnigt10,12 , Cyrille Boyer13,14 , Megan D Lenardon15 , Sascha Brunke16
Nature Communications, 2024, 15: 6818
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Chlamydia-containing spheres are a novel and predominant form of egress by the pathogen Chlamydia psittaci
Jana Scholz1 , Gudrun Holland 2 , Michael Laue2 , Sebastian Banhart1 , Dagmar Heuer1
mBio, 2024
2024 Jul 23:e0128824
The Caspase-Activated DNase drives inflammation and contributes to defense against viral infection
Abdul Moeed # 1, Nico Thilmany # 1, Frederic Beck 1, Bhagya K Puthussery 1, Noemi Ortmann1, Aladin Haimovici 1, M Tarek Badr 1, Elham Bavafaye Haghighi 2, Melanie Boerries2,3, Rupert Öllinger4, Roland Rad4, Susanne Kirschnek1, Ian E Gentle1, Sainitin Donakonda5, Philipp P Petric 6, Jonas F Hummel 1, Elisabeth Pfaffendorf 7, Paola Zanetta1, Christoph Schell7, Martin Schwemmle6 , Arnim Weber1, Georg Häcker8 ,9
Cell Death & Differentiation. 2024: 1-14
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
The hyphal-specific toxin candidalysin promotes fungal gut commensalism
Liang SH, Sircaik S, Dainis J, Kakade P, Penumutchu S, McDonough LD, Chen YH, Frazer C, Schille TB, Allert S, Elshafee O, Hänel M, Mogavero S, Vaishnava S, Cadwell K, Belenky P, Perez JC, Hube B, Ene IV, Bennett RJ.
Nature. 2024 Mar 6. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07142-4
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Clinically used broad-spectrum antibiotics compromise inflammatory monocyte-dependent antibacterial defense in the lung
Patrick J Dörner, Harithaa Anandakumar, Ivo Röwekamp, Facundo Fiocca Vernengo, Belén Millet Pascual-Leone, Marta Krzanowski, Josua Sellmaier, Ulrike Brüning, Raphaela Fritsche-Guenther, Lennart Pfannkuch, Florian Kurth, Miha Milek, Vanessa Igbokwe, Ulrike Löber, Birgitt Gutbier, Markus Holstein, Gitta Anne Heinz , Mir-Farzin Mashreghi , Leon N Schulte, Ann-Brit Klatt, Sandra Caesar, Sandra-Maria Wienhold , Stefan Offermanns, Matthias Mack, Martin Witzenrath, Stefan Jordan, Dieter Beule , Jennifer A Kirwan, Sofia K Forslund, Nicola Wilck, Hendrik Bartolomaeus, Markus M Heimesaat, Bastian Opitz
Nat Commun. 2024 Mar 30;15(1):2788, doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47149-z.
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Secretion of the fungal toxin candidalysin is dependent on conserved precursor peptide sequences
Rita Müller, Annika König, Sabrina Groth, Robert Zarnowski, Corissa Visser, Tom Handrianz, Corinne Maufrais, Thomas Krüger, Maximilian Himmel, Sejeong Lee, Emily L. Priest, Deniz Yildirim, Jonathan P. Richardson, Matthew G. Blango, Marie-Elisabeth Bougnoux, Olaf Kniemeyer, Christophe d’Enfert, Axel A. Brakhage, David R. Andes, Verena Trümper, Christian Nehls, Lydia Kasper, Selene Mogavero, Thomas Gutsmann, Julian R. Naglik, Stefanie Allert & Bernhard Hube
Nature Microbiology (2024) Mar;9(3):669-683 doi: 10.1038/s41564-024-01606-z.
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Efficacy and safety of an early oral switch in low-risk Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection (SABATO): an international, open-label, parallel-group, randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial
Achim J Kaasch, Luis Eduardo López-Cortés, Jesús Rodríguez-Baño, José Miguel Cisneros, M Dolores Navarro, Gerd Fätkenheuer, Norma Jung, Siegbert Rieg, Raphaël Lepeule, Laetitia Coutte, Louis Bernard, Adrien Lemaignen, Katrin Kösters, Colin R MacKenzie, Alex Soriano, Stefan Hagel, Bruno Fantin, Matthieu Lafaurie, Jean-Philippe Talarmin, Aurélien Dinh, Thomas Guimard, David Boutoille, Tobias Welte, Stefan Reuter, Jan Kluytmans, Maria Luisa Martin, Emmanuel Forestier, Hartmut Stocker, Virginie Vitrat, Pierre Tattevin, Anna Rommerskirchen, Marion Noret, Anne Adams, Winfried V Kern, Martin Hellmich, Harald Seifert; for the SABATO study groups
Lancet Infect Dis, 2024, S1473-3099(23)00756-9
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Emergence of bedaquiline-resistant tuberculosis and of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with rpoB Ile491Phe mutation not detected by Xpert MTB/RIF in Mozambique: a retrospective observational study
Ivan Barilar1, Tatiana Fernando2 , Christian Utpatel1, Cláudio Abujate2, Carla Maria Madeira2, Benedita José3, Claudia Mutaquiha3, Katharina Kranzer4, Tanja Niemann1, Nalia Ismael2, Leonardo de Araujo1, Thierry Wirth5 , Stefan Niemann6, Sofia Viegas2
Lancet Infect Dis. 2023 Nov 10:S1473-3099(23)00498-X.
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Sphingosine kinase 1/S1P receptor signaling axis is essential for cellular uptake of Neisseria meningitidis in brain endothelial cells
Ingo Fohmann1, Alina Weinmann 1, Fabian Schumacher 2, Simon Peters 1, Agata Prell 2, Cynthia Weigel 3 Sarah Spiegel 3 , Burkhard Kleuser 2 , Alexandra Schubert-Unkmeir 1
PLOS Pathogens, 2023, 19(11), e1011842
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A global view on carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
Carina Müller # 1, 2 , Sandra Reuter # 3 , Julia Wille 1 , 2 , Kyriaki Xanthopoulou 1, 2 , Danuta Stefanik 1, Hajo Grundmann 3 , Paul G Higgins 1 , 2 , Harald Seifert 1 , 2
# Contributed equally.
mBio . 2023 Oct 26:e0226023. doi: 10.1128/mbio.02260-23.
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The VBNC state: a fundamental survival strategy of Acinetobacter baumannii
Patricia König1, Alexander Wilhelm2, Christoph Schaudinn3, Anja Poehlein4, Rolf Daniel4, Marek Widera2, Beate Averhoff1, Volker Müller1
mBio, 2023 , e021392
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Gene amplifications cause high-level resistance against albicidin in gram-negative bacteria
Mareike Saathoff 1 , Simone Kosol 2 , Torsten Semmler 3 , Karsten Tedin 1 , Nicole Dimos 4 , Johannes Kupke 1 , Maria Seidel 2 , Fereshteh Ghazisaeedi 1 , Micela Condor Jonske 1 , Silver A Wolf 3 , Benno Kuropka 4 , Wojciech Czyszczoń 5 , Dmitry Ghilarov 5 , Stefan Grätz 2 , Jonathan G Heddle 5 , Bernhard Loll 4 , Roderich D Süssmuth 2 , Marcus Fulde 1 6
PLoS Biol.2023 Aug 10;21(8):e3002186.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002186. eCollection 2023 Aug
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Reduced Staphylococcus Abundance Characterizes the Lesional Microbiome of Actinic Keratosis Patients after Field-Directed Therapies
Jan Kehrmann, Fiona Koch, Skrollan Zumdick, Anna Höwner, Lara Best, Lars Masshöfer, Sarah Scharfenberg, Michael Zeschnigk, Jürgen C Becker, Dirk Schadendorf, Jan Buer, Alexander Roesch
Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Jun 15;11(3):e0440122.
doi: 10.1128/spectrum.04401-22. Epub 2023 May 22.
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The natural product chlorotonil A preserves colonization resistance and prevents relapsing Clostridioides difficile infection
Arne Bublitz1, Madita Brauer2, Stefanie Wagner 3, Walter Hofer 4 , Mathias Müsken 5, Felix Deschner4, Till R Lesker1, Meina Neumann-Schaa 6 , Lena-Sophie Paul 3, Ulrich Nübel , Jürgen Bartel8 , Andreas M Kany 4 , Daniela Zühlke9, Steffen Bernecker 10, Rolf Jansen 10, Susanne Sievers9, Katharina Riedel 2, Jennifer Herrmann11, Rolf Müller 11, Thilo M Fuchs 12, Till Strowig 13
Cell Host Microbe. 2023 May 10;31(5):734-750.e8.
doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.04.003. Epub 2023 Apr 24.
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Infection of Endothelial Cells with Acinetobacter baumannii Reveals Remodelling of Mitochondrial Protein Complexes
Laura Leukerta, Manuela Tietgena,b, Felix F. Krausea,c, Tilman G. Schultzea, Dominik C. Fuhrmannd, Charline Debruynee, Suzana P. Salcedoe, Alexander Visekrunac, llka Wittigf, Stephan Göttiga
Microbiology Spectrum, 2023
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Aspergillus fumigatus hijacks human p11 to redirect fungal-containing phagosomes to non-degradative pathway
Lei-Jie Jia1 , Muhammad Rafiq2 , Lukás Radosa1 , Peter Hortschansky 1 , Cristina Cunha3 , Zoltán Cseresnyés4 , Thomas Krüger1 , Franziska Schmidt1 , Thorsten Heinekamp1 , Maria Straßburger5 , Bettina Löffler6 , Torsten Doenst7 , João F Lacerda8 , António Campos Jr9 , Marc Thilo Figge10 , Agostinho Carvalho3 , Olaf Kniemeyer1 , Axel A Brakhage11*
*korrespondierender Autor
Cell Host Microbe 2023 Mar 8;31(3):373-388.e10.
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CagA-specific Gastric CD8+ Tissue-Resident T Cells Control Helicobacter pylori During the Early Infection Phase
Maximilian R A Koch1 , Ruolan Gong2 , Verena Friedrich2 , Veronika Engelsberger2 , Lorenz Kretschmer2 , Andreas Wanisch2 , Sebastian Jarosch2 , Anna Ralser2 , Bob Lugen2 , Michael Quante3 , Michael Vieth4 , Riccardo Vasapolli5 , Christian Schulz5 , Veit R Buchholz2 , Dirk H Busch1, Raquel Mejías-Luque6 , Markus Gerhard7
Gastroenterology, 2023, Volume 164 (April)
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IL-4 and helminth infection downregulate MINCLE-dependent macrophage response to
mycobacteria and Th17 adjuvanticity
Judith Schick, Meltem Altunay, Matthew Lacorcia, Nathalie Marschner, Stefanie Westermann, Julia Schluckebier, Christoph Schubart, Barbara Bodendorfer, Dennis Christensen, Christian Alexander, Stefan Wirtz, David Voehringer, Clarissa Prazeres da Costa, Roland Lang
Elife. 2023 Feb 8;12:e72923. doi: 10.7554/eLife.72923.
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Immunogenicity and safety of coadministration of COVID-19 and influenza vaccination
European Respiratory Journal, 2023, 61 (1) 2201390
Link zum vollständigen Abstract:
Macrophages inhibit Coxiella burnetii by the ACOD1-itaconate pathway for containment of Q fever
Lisa Kohl1,†, Md Nur A Alam Siddique1,†, Barbara Bodendorfer1,†, Raffaela Berger2,Annica Preikschat1, Christoph Daniel3, Martha Ölke1, Elisabeth Liebler-Tenorio4,Jan Schulze-Luehrmann1, Michael Mauermeir1, Kai-Ting Yang5,6, Inaya Hayek1,Manuela Szperlinski1, Jennifer Andrack7, Ulrike Schleicher1,8, Aline Bozec5,8, Gerhard Krönke5,8,Peter J Murray9, Stefan Wirtz6,8,10, Masahiro Yamamoto11, Valentin Schatz12, Jonathan Jantsch12,‡,Peter Oefner2, Daniel Degrandi13, Klaus Pfeffer13, Katja Mertens-Scholz7, Simon Rauber5,6, Christian Bogdan1,8, Katja Dettmer2, Anja Lührmann1,8 & Roland Lang1,8,*
EMBO Molecular Medicin, 07.12.2022 open access
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Delineating Mycobacterium abscessus population structure and transmission employing high-resolution core genome multilocus sequence typing
Nature Communications. 2022 Aug 23;13(1):4936. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32122-5
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Lactobacillus rhamnosus colonisation antagonizes Candida albicans by forcing metabolic adaptations that compromise pathogenicity
Raquel Alonso-Roman, Antonia Last, Mohammad H. Mirhakkak, Jakob L. Sprague, Lars Möller, Peter Großmann, Katja Graf, Rena Gratz, Selene Mogavero, Slavena Vylkova, Gianni Panagiotou, Sascha Schäuble, Bernhard Hube & Mark S. Gresnigt
Nature Communications (2022) volume 13, Article number: 3192
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Mitochondria supply sub-lethal signals for cytokine secretion and DNA-damage in H. pylori infection
Benedikt Dörflinger, Mohamed Tarek Badr, Aladin Haimovici, Lena Fischer, Juliane Vier, Arlena Metz, Bianca Eisele, Peter Bronsert, Konrad Aumann, Jens Höppner, Collins Waguia Kontchou, Ishita Parui, Arnim Weber, Susanne Kirschnek & Georg Häcker
Cell Death & Differentiation, 2022,
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Interaction of Bartonella henselae with fibronectin represents the molecular basis for adhesion to host cells
Diana J. Vaca, Arno Thibau, Matthias S. Leisegang, Johan Malmström, Dirk Linke, Johannes A. Eble, Wibke Ballhorn, Martin Schaller, Lotta Happonen, Volkhard A. J. Kempf
Microbiology Spectrum, 2022,
April 2022:
Intracellular Salmonella Paratyphi A is motile and differs in the expression of flagella-chemotaxis, SPI-1 and carbon utilization pathways in comparison to intracellular S. Typhimur
Helit Cohen*, Claire Hoede*, Felix Scharte*, Charles Coluzzi, Emiliano Cohen, Inna Shomer, Ludovic Mallet, Sébastien Holbert, Remy Felix Serre, Thomas Schiex, Isabelle Virlogeux-Payant, Guntram A. Grassl, Michael Hensel #, Hélène Chiapello #, Ohad Gal-Mor #
PLoS Pathog 18(4): e1010425
März 2022:
Bloodstream Infections Caused by Magnusiomyces capitatus and Magnusiomyces clavatus: Epidemiological, Clinical, and Microbiological Features of Two Emerging Yeast Species
Janina Noster #, Martin B Koeppel # , Marie Desnos-Olivier, Maria Aigner, Oliver Bader, Karl Dichtl, Stephan Göttig, Andrea Haas, Oliver Kurzai, Arthur B Pranada, Yvonne Stelzer, Grit Walther, Axel Hamprecht (#equal contribution)
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (2021), Vol. 66 No. 2, AAC-01834
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Februar 2022:
Exogenous fatty acids affect membrane properties and cold adaptation of Listeria monocytogenes
Alexander Flegler, Janice Iswara, Anna Tatjana Mänz, Frieda Sophia Schocke, Wanda Antonia Faßbender, Georg Hölzl, and André Lipski
Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1499)
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Januar 2022:
Staphylococcus aureus Genomes Harbor Only MpsAB-Like Bicarbonate Transporter but Not Carbonic Anhydrase as Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Supply System.
Sook-Ha Fan, Elisa Liberini, and Friedrich Götz
Microbiology Spectrum 9, no. 3 (2021): e00970-21.
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Dezember 2021:
Human albumin enhances the pathogenic potential of Candida glabrata on vaginal epithelial cells
Pekmezovic M, Kaune AK, Austermeier S, Hitzler SUJ, Mogavero S, Hovhannisyan H, Gabaldón T, Gresnigt MS*, Hube B*
PLoS Pathogens, 2021 Oct 28;17(10):e1010037
November 2021:
Klebsiella oxytoca causes colonization resistance against multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae in the gut via cooperative carbohydrate competition
Lisa Osbelt 1 , Marie Wende 1 , Éva Almási 2 , Elisabeth Derksen 2 , Uthayakumar Muthukumarasamy 2 , Till R Lesker 2 , Eric J C Galvez 2 , Marina C Pils 3 , Enrico Schalk 4 , Patrick Chhatwal 5 , Jacqueline Färber 6 , Meina Neumann-Schaal 7 , Thomas Fischer 8 , Dirk Schlüter 9 , Till Strowig 10
Cell Host Microbe, 2021, 11 ;S1931-3128
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Oktober 2021:
Identification of immunodominant Bartonella bacilliformis proteins: a combined in silico and serology approach
Alexander A. Dichter, Tilman G. Schultze, Anne Wenigmann, Wibke Ballhorn, Andreas Latz, Elif Schlüfter, Palmira Ventosilla, Humberto Guerra Allison, Cesar A. Ugarte-Gil, Pablo Tsukayama, Volkhard A. J. Kempf* ; *korrespondierender Autor
Lancet Microbe 2021, Published Online, September 10, 2021,
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
September 2021:
Transient Mitochondria Dysfunction Confers Fungal Cross-Resistance against Phagocytic Killing and Fluconazole
Sofía Siscar-Lewin , Toni Gabaldón , Alexander M Aldejohann , Oliver Kurzai , Bernhard Hube , Sascha Brunke
mBio, 2021, e0112821 (doi: 10.1128/mBio.01128-21)
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Juli/August 2021:
Rapid proliferation due to better metabolic adaptation results in full virulence of a filament-deficient Candida albicans strain
Christine Dunker1 , Melanie Polke1, 2 , Bianca Schulze-Richter1, 3 , Katja Schubert1 , Sven Rudolphi1 , A Elisabeth Gressler1, 3 , Tony Pawlik1 , Juan P Prada Salcedo4 , M Joanna Niemiec1 , Silvia Slesiona-Künzel 1 , Marc Swidergall5 , Ronny Martin6 , Thomas Dandekar 4 , Ilse D Jacobsen7
Nature Communications, 2021, 12:3899 |
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Juni 2021:
NAD(H)-mediated tetramerization controls the activity of Legionella pneumophila phospholipase PlaB
Maurice Diwo#, Wiebke Michel#, Philipp Aurass, Katja Kuhle-Keindorf, Jan Pippel, Joern Krausze, Sabrina Wamp, Christina Lang, Wulf Blankenfeldt*, Antje Flieger*
# and * contributed equally
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Jun 8;118(23):e2017046118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2017046118Links zum vollständigen Artikel:
Mai 2021:
The infectious propagules of Aspergillus fumigatus are coated with antimicrobial peptides
Michaela Dümig, Jasmin Binder, Anastasia Gaculenko, Franziska Daul, Lex Winandy, Mike Hasenberg , Matthias Gunzer, Reinhard Fischer, Markus Künzler, Sven Krappmann
Cellular Microbiology 23 (3): e13301;
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
April 2021:
Candida pathogens induce protective mitochondria-associated type I interferon signalling and a damage-driven response in vaginal epithelial cells.
Marina Pekmezovic , Hrant Hovhannisyan , Mark S. Gresnigt, Elise Iracane,
João Oliveira-Pacheco, Sofía Siscar-Lewin, Eric Seemann, Britta Qualmann, Till Kalkreuter,
Sylvia Müller, Thomas Kamradt, Selene Mogavero, Sascha Brunke, Geraldine Butler,
Toni Gabaldón and Bernhard Hube
Nature Microbiology 2021 Mar 22. doi: 10.1038/s41564-021-00875-2.
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
März 2021:
Crystal structure of full-length cytotoxic necrotizing factor CNFY reveals molecular building blocks for intoxication.
Chaoprasid P. #, Lukat P. #, Mühlen S. #, Heidler T., Gazdag EM., Dong S., Bi W., Rüter R., Kirchenwitz M., Steffen A., Jänsch L., Stradal T., Dersch P.*, Wulf Blankenfeldt W.*
#, gemeinsame Erstautoren
*, gemeinsame korrespondierende Autoren
EMBO Journal Jan 7:e105202. doi: 10.15252/embj.2020105202
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Februar 2021:
“RNA-mediated control of cell shape modulates antibiotic resistance in Vibrio cholerae” Nikolai Peschek#, Roman Herzog#, Praveen K. Singh#, Marcel Sprenger#, Fabian Meyer, Kathrin S. Fröhlich, Luise Schröger, Marc Bramkamp, Knut Drescher, and Kai Papenfort
# geteilte Erstautorenschaft
Nature Communications 11, 6067 (2020)
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Januar 2021:
A Giant Extracellular Matrix Binding Protein of Staphylococcus epidermidis Binds Surface-Immobilized Fibronectin via a Novel Mechanism
Henning Büttner, Markus Perbandt, Thomas Kohler, Alexey Kikhney, Manuel Wolters, Martin Christner, Marisol Heise, Jérôme Wilde, Samira Weißelberg, Anna Both, Christian Betzel, Sven Hammerschmidt, Dmitri Svergun, Martin Aepfelbacher, Holger Rohde.
mBio 2020, Vol. 11, Issue 5
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Dezember 2020:
Disturbed gut microbiota and bile homeostasis in Giardia-infected mice contributes to metabolic dysregulation and growth impairment
Riba A, Hassani K, Walker A, van Best N, von Zeschwitz D, Anslinger T, Sillner N, Rosenhain S, Eibach D, Maiga-Ascofaré O, Rolle-Kampczyk U, Basic M, Binz A, Mocek S, Sodeik B, Bauerfeind R, Mohs A, Trautwein C, Kiessling F, May J, Klingenspor M, Gremse F, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Bleich A, Torow N, von Bergen M, Hornef MW
Science Translational Medicine 2020 Oct 14;12(565):eaay7019
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
November 2020:
Flotillin-Dependent Membrane Microdomains Are Required for Functional Phagolysosomes against Fungal Infections
Franziska Schmidt, Andreas Thywißen, Marie Goldmann, Cristina Cunha, Zoltán Cseresnyés, Hella Schmidt, Muhammad Rafiq, Silvia Galiani, Markus H. Gräler, Georgios Chamilos, João F. Lacerda, António Campos Jr., Christian Eggeling, Marc Thilo Figge, Thorsten Heinekamp, Scott G. Filler, Agostinho Carvalho, Axel A. Brakhage
Cell Reports, 2020, 32(7), 108017
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Bile acids drive the newborn’s gut microbiota maturation
N. van Best, U. Rolle-Kampczyk, F. G. Schaap, M. Basic, S. W. M. Olde Damink, A. Bleich, P. H. M. Savelkoul, M. von Bergen, J. Penders, & M. W. Hornef
Nature Communications | (2020)11:3692
Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
September 2020: Reprogramming of host glutamine metabolism during Chlamydia trachomatis infection and its key role in peptidoglycan synthesis
Karthika Rajeeve*, Nadine Vollmuth, Sudha Janaki-Raman , Thomas F Wulff, Apoorva Baluapuri, Francesca R Dejure, Claudia Huber, Julian Fink, Maximilian Schmalhofer, Werner Schmitz , Rajeeve Sivadasan, Elmar Wolf, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Almut Schulze, Jürgen Seibel, Thomas Rudel *
Nature Microbiology, 2020, e pub
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August 2020: HIF-1α is involved in blood-brain barrier dysfunction and paracellular migration of bacteria in pneumococcal meningitis
Gayatri Devraj, Sylvaine Guerit, Jana Seele, Daniel Spitzer, Jadranka Macas, Maryam I. Khel, Roxana Heidemann, Anne K. Braczynski, Wibke Ballhorn1, Stefan Günther, Omolara O. Ogunshola, Michel Mittelbronn, Uwe Ködel, Camelia M. Monoranu, Karl H. Plate, Sven Hammerschmidt, Roland Nau, Kavi Devraj, Volkhard A. J. Kempf*
Acta Neuropathol. doi: 10.1007/s00401-020-02174-2.
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Juli 2020: Contact isolation versus standard precautions to decrease acquisition of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales in non-critical care wards: a cluster-randomised crossover trial
Friederike Maechler, Frank Schwab, Sonja Hansen, Carolina Fankhauser, Stephan Harbarth, Benedikt D Huttner, Cristina Diaz-Agero, Nieves Lopez, Rafael Canton, Patricia Ruiz, Hetty Blok, Marc J Bonten, Fieke Kloosterman, Joost Schotsman, Ben S Cooper, Michael Behnke, Jennifer Golembus, Axel Kola, Petra Gastmeier, on behalf of the R-GNOSIS WP5 study group
Infectious diseases, 2020, 20(5): 575-548
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Juni 2020: The phylogenetic landscape and nosocomial spread of the multidrug-resistant opportunist Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Matthias I. Gröschel, Conor J. Meehan, Ivan Barilar, Margo Diricks, Aitor Gonzaga, Matthias Steglich, Oscar Conchillo-Solé, Isabell-Christin Scherer, Uwe Mamat, Christian F. Luz, Katrien De Bruyne, Christian Utpatel, Daniel Yero, Isidre Gibert, Xavier Daura, Stefanie Kampmeier, Nurdyana Abdul Rahman, Michael Kresken, Tjip S. van der Werf, Ifey Alio, Wolfgang R. Streit, Kai Zhou, Thomas Schwartz, John W. A. Rossen, Maha R. Farhat, Ulrich E. Schaible, Ulrich Nübel, Jan Rupp, Joerg Steinmann, Stefan Niemann (corresponding Autor) & Thomas A. Kohl
Nat Commun, 2020, 11, 2044.
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Mai 2020: Variations in microbiota composition of laboratory mice influence Citrobacter rodentium infection via variable short-chain fatty acid production
Osbelt L1,2, Thiemann S1, Smit N1, Lesker TR1, Schröter M1, Gálvez EJC1,3, Schmidt-Hohagen K4, Pils MC5, Mühlen S6,7, Dersch P6,7, Hiller K4,8, Schlüter D2,9, Neumann-Schaal M10, Strowig T1,3,11. PLoS Pathog. 2020 Mar 24;16(3):e1008448
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März/April 2020: Infections caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales after rectal colonization with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli or Klebsiella pneumoniae
Denkel LA1, Maechler F1, Schwab F1, Kola A1, Weber A1, Gastmeier P1, Pfäfflin F2, Weber S3, Werner G4, Pfeifer Y4, Pietsch M5, Leistner R6. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2019 Dec 3. 31809805 [Epub ahead of print]
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Februar 2020:Co-infection with Staphylococcus aureus after primary influenza virus infection leads to damage of the endothelium in a human alveolus-on-a-chip model
Deinhardt-Emmer S1, Rennert K2, Schicke E3, Cseresnyes Z4, Windolph M5, Nietzsche S6, Heller R7, Siwczak F8, Haupt KF9, Carlstedt S8, Schacke M9, Figge MT10, Ehrhardt C9, Loeffler B11, Mosig AS12. Biofabrication. 2020 Jan 27. doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/ab7073.
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November 2019:A Chlamydia pneumoniae adhesin induces phosphatidylserine exposure on host cells
Galle JN, Fechtner T, Eierhoff T, Römer W, Hegemann JH.
Nat Commun. 2019 Oct 11;10(1):4644.
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Oktober 2019: Oxidative stress drives the selection of quorum sensing mutants in the Staphylococcus aureus population
Shilpa Elizabeth George, Jennifer Hrubesch, Inga Breuing, Naisa Vetter, Natalya Korn, Katja Hennemann, Lisa Bleul, Matthias Willmann, Patrick Ebner, Friedrich Götz, and Christiane Wolz
PNAS, 2019, 116, 19145–19154
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September 2019: Concomitant Infection of S. mansoni and H. pylori Promotes Promiscuity of Antigen-Experienced Cells and Primes the Liver for a Lower Fibrotic Response
Bhattacharjee S, Mejías-Luque R, Loffredo-Verde E, Toska A, Flossdorf M, Gerhard M, Prazeres da Costa C.
Cell Rep. 2019 Jul 2;28(1):231-244.e5.
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August 2019: MpsAB is important for Staphylococcus aureus virulence and growth under atmospheric CO2 levels
Sook-Ha Fan, Patrick Ebner, Sebastian Reichert, Tobias Hertlein, Susanne Zabel, Aditya Kumar Lankapalli, Kay Nieselt, Knut Ohlsen, Friedrich Götz
Nature Communication 2019 Aug 9;10(1):3627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11547-5.
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Juli 2019: Gut Dysbiosis With Bacilli Dominance and Accumulation of Fermentation Products Precedes Late-onset Sepsis in Preterm Infants
Graspeuntner S, Waschina S, Künzel S, Twisselmann N, Rausch TK, Cloppenborg-Schmidt K, Zimmermann J, Viemann D, Herting E, Göpel W, Baines JF, Kaleta C, Rupp J, Härtel C, Pagel.
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Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 69, Issue 2, 15 July 2019, Pages 268–277
Juni 2019: Mucispirillum schaedleri Antagonizes Salmonella Virulence to Protect Mice against Colitis
Herp S#, Brugiroux S#, Garzetti D, Ring D, Jochum LM, Beutler M, Eberl C, Hussain S, Walter S, Gerlach RG, Ruscheweyh HJ, Huson D, Sellin ME, Slack E, Hanson B, Loy A, Baines JF, Rausch P, Basic M, Bleich A, Berry D, Stecher B. #geteilte Autorenschaft.
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Cell Host & Microbe, 2019, Volume (25), Issue 5: 681-694.e8
Mai 2019: A non‐death function of the mitochondrial apoptosis apparatus in immunity
Brokatzky D, Dörflinger B, Haimovici A, Weber A, Kirschnek S, Vier J, Metz A, Henschel J, Steinfeldt T, Gentle IE, Häcker G. Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
The EMBO Journal; Volume 38, Issue 10
April 2019: Limitation of TCA Cycle Intermediates Represents an Oxygen-Independent Nutritional Antibacterial Effector Mechanism of Macrophages
Hayek I, Fischer F, Schulze-Luehrmann J, Dettmer K, Sobotta K, Schatz V, Kohl L, Boden K, Lang R, Oefner PJ, Wirtz S, Jantsch J, Lührmann A.
Cell Reports, 2019, 26, 3502-3510. Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
März 2019: Chronic Chlamydia infection in human organoids increases stemness and promotes age-dependent CpG methylation
Kessler M, Hoffmann K, Fritsche K, Brinkmann V, Mollenkopf HJ, Thieck O, Teixeira da Costa AR, Braicu EI, Sehouli J, Mangler M, Berger H, Meyer TF.
Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1):1194; Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Februar 2019: Evolution of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans strains by drug-induced mating competence and parasexual recombination
Christina Popp, Bernardo Ramírez-Zavala, Sonja Schwanfelder, Ines Krüger, Joachim Morschhäuser
mBio, 2019, 10:e02740-18; Link zum vollständigen Artikel:
Januar 2019: Potential Role for Urine Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Diagnosis of Whipple’s Disease
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#geteilte Autorenschaft, *Corrsponding author
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2018, Oct 22
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Dezember 2018: The importance of adjusting for enterococcus species when assessing the burden of vancomycin resistance: a cohort study including over 1000 cases of enterococcal bloodstream infections.
Kramer TS, Remschmidt C, Werner S, Behnke M, Schwab F, Werner G, Gastmeier P, Leistner R
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 2018; 7:133
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November 2018: The fungal peptide toxin Candidalysin activates the NLRP3 inflammasome and causes cytolysis in mononuclear phagocytes
Kasper L#, König A#, Koenig PA#, Gresnigt MS, Westman J, Drummond RA, Lionakis MS, Groß O, Ruland J, Naglik JR, Hube B*
#geteilte Erstautorenschaft, *Corrsponding author
Nature Communication 2018 9(1), 4260
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Oktober 2018: The olfactory epithelium as a port of entry in neonatal neurolisteriosis
Dennis Pägelow, Chintan Chhatbar, Andreas Beineke, Xiaokun Liu, Andreas Nerlich, Kira van Vorst, Manfred Rohde, Ulrich Kalinke, Reinhold Förster, Stephan Halle, Peter Valentin-Weigand, Mathias W. Hornef & Marcus Fulde
Nature Communications, 2018, Oct 15;9(1):4269. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06668-2.
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September 2018: Azole-induced cell wall carbohydrate patches kill Aspergillus fumigatus, Bernadette Geißel, Veronika Loiko, Isabel Klugherz, Zhaojun Zhu, Nikola Wagener, Oliver Kurzai, Cees A. M., J. J. van den Hondel & Johannes Wagener
Nature Communications, 2018, volume 9, Article number: 3098 (2018)
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August 2018: Neonatal selection by Toll-like receptor 5 influences long-term gut microbiota composition, Marcus Fulde, Felix Sommer, Benoit Chassaing, Kira van Vorst, Aline Dupont, Michael Hensel, Marijana Basic, Robert Klopfleisch, Philip Rosenstiel, André Bleich, Fredrik Bäckhed, Andrew T. Gewirtz & Mathias W. Hornef
Nature. 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0395-5.
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Juli 2018: Candida albicans-induced epithelial damage mediates translocation through intestinal barriers, Stefanie Allert & Toni M. Förster…….. and Bernhard Hube
MBio. 2018 Jun 5;9(3). pii: e00915-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00915-18.
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Juni 2018: Chlamydia trachomatis paralyzes neutrophils to evade the host innate immune response, Karthika Rajeeve …….and Thomas Rudel
Nat Microbiol. 2018 Jul;3(7):824-835. doi: 10.1038/s41564-018-0182-y. Epub 2018 Jun 25.
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Mai 2018: Combined Human Genome-wide RNAi and Metabolite Analyses Identify IMPDH as a Host-Directed Target against Chlamydia Infection, Marion Rother,…..and Thomas Meyer
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April 2018: Minimal SPI1-T3SS effector requirement for Salmonella enterocyte invasion and intracellular proliferation in vivo, Zhang K, …….and Hornef M*.
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März 2018: CRISPR RNA-Dependent Binding and Cleavage of Endogenous RNAs by the Campylobacter jejuni Cas9, Dugar G, ….and Sharma CM
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Februar 2018: Plasmid-Encoded Transferable mecB-Mediated Methicillin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, Becker K, …and Peters G
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Januar 2018: Lipid moieties on lipoproteins of commensal and non-commensal staphylococci induce differential immune responses, Minh-Thu Nguyen…and Friedrich Götz
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